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Looking at the mark sheet and wondering, "This is not what I deserve!"? Well, don’t worry, the ICAI has provided the facility to get our answer scripts re-evaluated. No need to get anxious and run here and there, simply go on the ICAI website and apply for Inspection or Certified copies of answer books. Here's all that you need to know about the inspection and revaluation of answer sheets by the ICAI.
First things first.
Important Dates to be noted-
Foundation & Final (Old) and Final (New) May 2019:
Start Date | 14-08-2019 | (11:00 Hrs IST) |
End Date | 11-09-2019 |
Foundation & Final (Old) and Final (New) May 2019:
Start Date | 14-08-2019 | (11:00 Hrs IST) |
End Date | 12-09-2019 |
Log in through your User ID and password and click on "Apply Now" against the activity "Certified Copies/Inspection" from your dashboard.
A data entry screen will appear. Fields relating to your name, registration number and medium of the examination would be displayed on the screen. You will have to enter the following data in the respective fields:
If you had opted for Hindi medium in the examination, then the application must be in Hindi and if you appeared in the Exam in English then the application must be in English.
Please check all the details entered by you including the scanned image uploaded.
You have to confirm the data you have filled in, by clicking on the “CONFIRM” button.
In case any of the details you have filled in is incorrect, you can go back and make the necessary corrections wherever required, come back and confirm.
The application will be successful only when the Control Number is correctly appearing and that it is not null or zero.
Remember to quote the transaction number appearing on the payment confirmation page in all future correspondence on the subject with the Institute.
You can pay the verification fee online by using either debit/credit card, through the payment gateway.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan
Indraprastha Marg
New Delhi 110 002
The physical application for verification along with the fees should be sent within a period of one month from the date of the declaration of results, at the following address, by Speed Post or Registered Post:
The Deputy Secretary (Exams)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAI Bhawan
Indraprastha Marg
New Delhi 110 002
We are providing a declaration format for applying for the inspection and re-evaluation of answer-sheets. Take the print and apply with the details required. Click Here
Do not send your application by courier/ordinary post
Please superscribe the envelope with the name of the exam, i.e Foundation or Final as the case may be.
The handwritten application form for verification has to be accompanied by a demand towards the verification fees. The demand draft should be drawn in favour of “The Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India” payable at New Delhi.
For Final, Intermediate (IPC)/ATE/Units- Rs 100/- per paper subject to a maximum of Rs 400/- for all the papers of a group/both groups/Unit
For CPT- Rs 200/-
Candidates in such a situation, are suggested to immediately write to quoting their Registration Number and Passing particulars at least two working days prior to the last date of the exam form.
Alternately, if it is not resolved in time, you may, without waiting, create a provisional login for the relevant exam and apply. This includes situations such as,
1. Candidates who have cleared Intermediate and want to fill up the Final Exam form but in their dashboard, the Exam is appearing as "Intermediate (IPC)/ATE" OR
2. Candidates who had registered for Intermediate (IPCC) and are eligible to apply for the NOVEMBER 2019 Intermediate (IPCC) exam but in their dashboard, the Exam is appearing as "CPT" OR
3. Candidate have converted to the New/Revised scheme of education as per cut off dates given in the respective guidance notes ie; from CPT to Foundation, Intermediate(IPC)(Old) to Intermediate(New) or Final(Old) to Final(New) and find that the exam form of the Old scheme is appearing.
To create a provisional login:
A system message will appear "Registration No. and Date of Birth you have entered doesn't match with our records. However, you may submit the details as Provisional Candidate. The system will allot a unique Provisional Registration Number (Pxxxxxxxxx) for this exam cycle.
Under this message, you will find a check-box with the words "YES. Register me as Provisional Candidate"
Click on this box and then in the box against the words "Registration Number as per your Records" enter your correct Registration Number.
The registration will be provisional. The office will try to regularise the registration with the help of particulars provided by you and will bother you only in case it remains unresolved at our end. Please ensure that you are eligible to apply for the said exam.
Those who have incorrectly applied under the Old Course whereas they had to apply under the New Course may seek regularization through the Correction Window -1 which opens 12th September 2019 to 16th September 2019 after the close of exam forms. For exact dates please check the exam website
Sometimes the data does not get validated but still, the registration process allows for submitting the form. we shall look into this and set it right.
In case you are sure of your eligibility, please apply with the particulars that you have and create a provisional login by ticking against "YES. Register me as Provisional Candidate". The registration will be provisional against a Pxxxxxxxxx number due to the authentication issue.
Looking at the issues, the ICAI has also made an announcement:
Difficulties in the on-line submission of requests for verification/certified copies/inspection of answer books of CA exams held in May 2019
It has been brought to our notice that some of the candidates who had appeared in the CA exams held in May 2019 who are desirous of applying for verification or certified copies/inspection of their answer books relating to May 19 examinations are not able to submit the same online, on account of syllabus to which they belong being different from their form which opens in the on-line window.
In this connection, it is hereby informed that such candidates who are not able to submit their applications for verification or certified copies of answer book online are requested to kindly submit their handwritten signed applications (in running hand in English if they were English medium candidates else Hindi if they were Hindi medium candidate in May 2019 exams), in hard copy, clearly specifying the exam, their registration number, name, roll number, papers ought to be verified and/or papers certified copies/Inspection of answer books of which are sought, enclosing a demand draft for the applicable fee, drawn in favour of the “Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India” payable at New Delhi and send the same through speed post so as to reach within the dates mentioned at the portal at the following address:
The Additional Secretary(Exams),
ICAI Bhawan,
Indraprastha Marg,
New Delhi 110002.
Please send separate applications for ‘Verification’ / ‘Certified Copies/Inspection’.
The applicable fee is given at
The Date of Demand Draft should be within the dates of application period mentioned at
For any further clarifications, candidates may write to quoting the
Examination, Name, Roll Number and Registration Number at least two working days prior to the close of the application window.
These were the basics about the inspection and revaluation of answer sheets by the ICAI that we needed to know. In case you have any query, you can drop a comment and our team would be looking forward to helping you. All the best. Go fetch your marks away.
Kajol Agarwal