How to Study and Score in CA Intermediate Audit May 2022 Exams


Auditing is the pain point of CA students. Especially for those who are studying Audit for the first time in their Intermediate. Understanding the basic nuances of Audit in itself is difficult. It's not your fault if you have tried hard but are still unable to figure out certain concepts. It happens with everyone.

Does that mean you should stop studying the subject and lose interest in it? Or you should keep the subject aside for the last? Absolutely No!

If you start ignoring the subject then that is only going to irritate you when you start studying it. Here we have brought for you the detailed study techniques that you can apply while studying CA Inter Audit.

CA Inter Audit Fast Track Batch

Audit Fast track

Before anything else, we would like to let you know that after hundreds of requests we have finally launched CA Intermediate Audit May 2022 Fast Track Batch.

You can check it out here: CA Inter Audit Fast Track Batch

Matters of Discussion

What we are going to talk about in this article should be known to you beforehand so that you don't feel like you wasted your time after reading it.

We will talk about

  • Where to study Audit from
  • How to study the subject
  • ABC Analysis of Auditing
  • How to cover Auditing Standards
  • ABC Analysis of Auditing Standards
  • CARO
  • Exam Plan

Where to Study from

The first thing which you should mindfully cover and revise should be your ICAI's latest study material. You can follow your teacher's notes as well but be sure whether all the content of the material is covered or not. Keep cross checking.

You need to be sure that you have covered every question, illustration and example of the ICAI material. Your ICAI material is your God, there's no substitute for that.

The second important thing which you have to cover is other ICAI publications. That covers everything like RTPs, MTPs and Past attempt questions. Each and everything should be covered.

How to Study CA Inter Audit?

This is the most important part and you can never compromise on this. Let's have a look at the approach.

  • Understanding of the subject

Students fall for the notion that Audit is a theoretical subject and that only is required to be ratified.

However, this is not the case. You need to adapt the Chatur + Rancho characters of 3 idiots. None of them alone is going to work. You are required to ratify the concepts as well as understand it thoroughly.

The basics of Auditing should be crystal clear to you.

  • Keywords, Learning Limits, Charts

There's always a fear among students that they can never learn auditing. Well that's not the case. You don't even have to learn each and everything, just learning the keywords are enough.

Start summarizing the limits to remember it. Make your own summary notes and that's how it will be easy to memorize it.

If you have a habit of making charts then you will also be able to implement it in your exams and that will help you secure brownie points.

  • Question reading and Understanding the structure

Form a habit of reading questions of ICAI and carefully observing the answer pattern. When you start reading it you will find a pattern which will subconsciously start getting imprinted on your mind.

You will then write your answers in a similar way in the exam which will definitely help you get extra marks or the marks you actually deserve.

You will also understand the points which will help you secure marks and points which are irrelevant.

  • Written Practice

You are not going to appear for an oral examination, you need to write down the answers or important things to understand the skill of presenting your paper.

At least write down 50% of the answers of your ICAI study material if not 100%, rest you can just read and study that will work.

  • Revision

Revising the concepts from time to time is really important so that you don't forget them. You should in fact record your own revision audios or videos to have that conceptual understanding. 

We at EDU91 also provides you with revision videos from the live classes itself so that it helps you to revise whenever required.

  • Mock Tests

Giving Mocks is going to be a boon for you. We have observed this trend that mocks can give you an exact figure which you might score in your exams.

It will help you know all your strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject.

  • Evaluation

Just giving the mock tests is not sufficient. You need to get it evaluated as well. Either you can do it yourself without any biases Or you can consider a proper test series.

Here we have qualified Chartered Accountants who are going to evaluate your papers.

  • Improvement

The last step will be of course to improve after you have your report in hand. As you know what areas you need improvement in, you must work on it.

ABC Analysis of Audit Chapters

You must know the importance of each chapter and then you can divide your priorities accordingly. If you don't have enough time then you can focus on the category A and B and can give a little less importance to category C.

  • Category A

The most important chapters are Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 and 13.

You should divide the first four chapters in one lot and study it at one go. Alone chapter 1 has a coverage of 10 marks as per previous attempts. When you are able to successfully complete these four chapters you will be in a much better situation.

Next you should focus on Chapter number 10 which is Company Audit. Again from this chapter alone you can expect 10-12 marks questions.

Then there's chapter 13 which is often ignored by the students. Don't do that, it's one of the most important chapters to be completed.

From chapters 1, 10 and 13 you can even expect direct questions. Then you should also focus on Chapter 9, if you are able to develop a command on that you will be unstoppable in audit.

  • Category B

Next comes the category B chapters which are actually quite short and easy as well. It's comparatively easier as well to develop a command over these chapters.

The chapters covered in this lot are chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12. If you talk about chapters 6, 7 and 8, then these chapters again cover 10 marks altogether.

  • Category C

You will be now shocked but there's no Category C, you need to study all the chapters in order to qualify your exams. There should be no compromise on that.


Standards of Auditing

Standards are a really important and integral part of Auditing. Students even ask us whether they should study the standards or not. Is this even a question, of course you should.

You should cover all your standards while completing your chapters itself. You needn't wait for your whole syllabus to end to study standards.

You also have thi se reasonable assurance from our end that you don't need to study the pronouncement book of auditing to be well versed with auditing. Your all the standards are automatically covered in those 13 chapters of the main book.

Try to remember the Name and Number of the standard. There's nothing better than that. It doesn't matter how hard the name is, you can still learn it.

ABC Analysis of Auditing Standards

Again we have divided the standards in different categories to let you know the importance each of those carries.

  • Category A

The standards which you can't afford to miss are SA 200, 210, 220, 230, 240 and 299 in the 200 range. Then there's SA 300, 315, 320 and 330 in the 300 series.

SA 450 is important in the 400 series. Then there's SA 500, 501, 505, 520, 530 and 570 in the 500 range. In the 700 series SA 700, 701, 705 and 706 are important. The relevant SQC part is also important.

  • Category B

In the less important category you can keep SA 250, 510, 550, 560, 580, 610 and 710.


For May 2022, CARO 2020 is applicable and not CARO 2016.

CA Inter Audit Exam Pattern

If you talk about the pattern of the exam then it's divided into three types of questions.

  • MCQs

MCQs cover 30/100 marks in the paper. In those 30 marks, case studies MCQs are asked for 20 marks and for the other 10 marks normal MCQs are asked.

For the MCQ case study portion, ICAI has been asking case study questions from Chapter 6, 12 and 13 which students often ignore in their preparation.

  • Correct/ Incorrect

A total of 14 marks are reserved for correct/ incorrect. Out of these 14 marks, you can easily secure 8-10 marks.

  • Descriptive Questions

Descriptive questions are asked for the next 56 marks. You can divide these into two parts as well. The first one will be Direct questions where you will be directly asked to explain a concept.

Then there are Indirect Questions as well where ICAI gives a statement and then towards the end ask you to explain it.

Audit Fast Track


As the closing remarks it can be said that it's quite easy to score 50-60 marks in audit. You can expect 5-10 marks questions which you would just not know. But rest of the questions you will be aware of if you have studied well.

From the correct/ incorrect part you can target 70% of 14 marks. Out of the descriptive questions you can easily score 50% of 56 marks. So, it's not that difficult if you try hard.

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